What is Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is a condition in which patients with high blood sugars develop problems in the retina due to dilatation of blood vessels and leaking of fluid and blood.

Who is at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy?

Patients who are diabetics with fluctuating blood sugar levels, long term diabetes and people with co existing raised blood pressure and kidney diseases are at a higher risk of developing retinopathy.

Can diabetic retinopathy be prevented?

Yes, it can be prevented by keeping the blood sugar levels under a tight control. Adequate control of other parameters like blood pressure, lipid levels, nephropathy is also essential to prevent and or delay progression of diabetic retinopathy.

What are the signs and symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy?

In the early stages diabetic retinopathy may not have any symptoms at all and serious retinal changes may co-exist with normal vision. In later stages, person may complain of blurring of vision, floating black spots in the vision and or blind spots in the vision.

What are the types of Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is classified as either non proliferative (background) or proliferative. Non proliferative retinopathy is the early stage, where small retinal blood vessels break and leak. In proliferative retinopathy, new blood vessels grow abnormally within the retina. This new growth can cause scarring or a retinal detachment, which can lead to vision loss. The new blood vessels may also grow or bleed into the vitreous humor, the transparent gel filling the back of the eye in front of the retina. Proliferative retinopathy is much more serious than the non proliferative form and can lead to total blindness.

Is diabetic retinopathy curable?

No, but early diagnosis and treatment can delay the progression. However, any visual recovery is unlikely.

What are the treatment options for diabetic retinopathy?

The best treatment is to keep the blood sugar under control; blood pressure control also helps. Laser photocoagulation can be done to cause regression of leaking blood vessels and prevent new blood vessel growth. If bleeding occurs into the vitreous humor, or if there is a retinal detachment the doctor might want to perform a procedure called a vitrectomy. Also, there are a number of new diabetic retinopathy treatment options currently available which include injecting drugs into the eye and prescribing oral medications.